ACE: Onyax’s platform for prediction and data analytics in IoT ecosystems multiservices

Digital acceleration and the almost 30 millions of euros of PNRR allocated for projects based on Internet of Things, see IoT platforms as a sound long-term investment in support of digital transformation.
Just in the perspective of digitization, thanks to a reliable and safe management of IoT devices and data useful for process analysis, municipal companies and small-medium businesses make use of Onyax’s platform ACE as an innovative tool able to improve and optimize water, gas and energy distribution networks.
ACE is identified as a multiservices IoT ecosystem able to digitize any industrial reality with remote monitoring necessities.
An extremely flexible and scalable platform, that exploits IoT’s full potential, providing safe and solid databases for:

  1. Analisys of company processes to reduce costs.
  2. Infrastructure security with Cloud systems.
  3. Integration of devices and third-party environments.

Advantages of ACE platform

One of the major advantages is related to a better data accessibility, thanks to the support and translation of multiple communication protocols.
Data are presented both through a dedicated section useful for an easy aggregation of the same and interactive reports able to certify the validity of the monitoring process to the competent authority.
This leads to manage, analyse and preserve data juxtaposing constant assistance services to information useful for predictive maintenance.
Furthermore, the use of a full-cloud solution and installation and maintenance times drastically reduced, combine a high level of cybersecurity to first-rate efficiency in every remote-control process.
Regarding the integration part, other than third-party devices with standard and open protocols, ACE is easily integrable with external systems (ArcGIS), with company managements (SAP) and with SCADA environments.

A resource also for integrated water service

Onyax structured ACE platform to manage and remotely monitor also distribution networks of the integrated water service, with the purpose of minimizing wastes.
Particular attention to leakage detection, where, with the filing of a patent relative to methods of advanced harmonic analysis, ACE platform results to be the digital engine of Leak Detection predictive process and a precious resource for those companies that demand innovative methods in water monitoring.
A process that derives from the union of algorithms, deep learning techniques and IoT technology, useful to represent on GIS platform areas of greatest leak probability, with the possibility to coordinate efficient searches and measurement campaigns.
A decisive step forward for Onyax and its ACE platform, which confirms an optimized management and further reduction of investment costs for the monitoring world of distribution networks.


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